Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SMF Addin

If you're looking to create spreadsheets that manipulate information about stocks that you can buy or sell, then the SMF addin is the tool for you. It is extremely powerful, and provides access to thousands of individual data items about a company. The addin is free, and there is a yahoo group that has been set up to provide examples and a forum for questions and answers about its use.

The group is at the following location:

I've modified two of my spreadsheets to leverage this tool. One is a portfolio sheet that allows you to monitor your P&L through out the day. The sheet also allows you to look at other publicly defined portfolios. So, industries, sectors, adr's, preferreds, closed end funds, and industry identifiers. It is available at:

The other spreadsheet is a company overview sheet that allows you to look at critical investment information about a specific company. It is also integrated with the portfolio sheet defined above in that it allows you to cycle thru the various companies that you own and are tracking thru your portfolio sheet. It is available at:

If you get a chance take a look at these, and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Google Docs

I've been using google docs to create some online spreadsheets lately in the hope that they'll be an online alternative to Excel Spreadsheets. Frustration reigned......simple tasks like cutting and pasting, automatic updates of cell references after inserting or deleting columns or rows were problematic. All those things you take for granted in Excel, just aren't there yet. There are some good things though, and for simple spreadsheets having them immediately available to all online is a really nice feature. They also have some interesting "gadgets" which you can use to graphically display your data. The interactive chart, text cloud, and the world map were three things that I used. Problem with all of them though, is that they don't provide access to enough properties for the gadgets. With the world map, I was able to create a "heat map" that illustrated the % price change for foreign exchange rates between two user defined dates. Problem was I wanted my world map to show red if the rates went down, and green if they went up. Only option I had was white for bad, orange for good. I was able to get something up and running in a pretty short time frame though, so take a look if you like: